{% extends "base.html" %} {% block page_description %}Other activities of Barun{% endblock %} {% block page_title %} Other Contributions {% endblock %} {% block content %}

The DTN Blog

When I started with my research back in 2011, I was quick to get familiar with the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator. However, I soon realized the lack of any substantial guide and walthrough. And thus, I began with the DTN blog!

Although it started with Google Sites, later I switched to Blogger. A blog is useful to quickly publish new contents. Moreover, comments from the users provide a scope for further interaction.

As of now, the DTN blog has, among others, a three-part tutorial on the ONE simulator covering various aspects – the basics, parameterized simulations, and confidence intervals. However, more than having a blog, I feel that through this blog I have been able to give back to the research community, which itself has helped me on different queries on a more than occasions.

Poetry and Tanka

I am not a poet by profession, but I do like to write a few lines at times. Sometime back I have self-published Swapner Kheya, a collection of Bengali poems.

Currently, I mostly write tanka, a Japanese form of short poetry that has gained huge popularity in English as well. In its English adaptation, a tanka is written in five lines with (at most) 31 syllables. While some (including myself) stick to the 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern, many use fewer than those.

A takna, however, is much more than syllables. Out of the five lines, the first two typically talks about a particular observation/event, while the last two lines are the observer's reflections. The third line acts a pivot joining the other two parts of the poem. Therefore, the first three and the last three lines can typically stand out independently.

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